Saturday, March 28, 2009

Maserati for sale

There's nothing like a black car for reflections in an HDR image.

This Maserati is for sale at the corner of Lincoln and Washington in Marina Del Rey at Platinum Motors. Only $70K and it's yours!

maserati for sale 1789

I made the HDR from 3 hand held exposures. Once again I had to use CS4 for alignment of the 3 frames. CS4 has good aligning tools for handheld shots.

I tonemapped the resulting HDR in photomatix. I usually use most of the top half of the enhance detail tab pulling the dials back and forth and seeing what looks best. This file was no different.

I used photoshop then to adjust color levels and even out the exposure. I also used noiseware to tone down the noise levels. After this I used Nik Color Effects to tonal adjust some more. This one probably has been processed over the top.

This image was uploaded and then I ran Fractalius on the result.

maserati 1789 fractalius

First I dup the layer. On the duplicated layer I run Fractalius, using the glow 80 preset.I select the canvas and copy it. I then create a mask for the layer and paste what I copied into the mask. This allows the original image to show through.

I flatten it and what you see above is the result,